// if (typeof ga !== 'undefined' && ga) { // ga('set', 'currencyCode', orderInfo.OrderCurrencyCode); // } // // for (key in orderItems) { // if (typeof ga !== 'undefined' && ga) { // ga('ec:addProduct', { // 'id': orderItems[key].ProductID, // 'name': orderItems[key].OrderItemProductName, // 'category': orderItems[key].OrderItemCategoryName, // 'brand': orderItems[key].OrderItemBrandName, // 'variant': orderItems[key].OrderItemVariant, // 'price': orderItems[key].OrderItemPrice, // 'quantity': orderItems[key].OrderItemQty, // }); // // if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'GA ec:addProduct ' + orderItems[key].ProductID); // } // // customerCurrencyPrice = parseFloat(orderItems[key].OrderItemCustomerCurrencyPrice); // pQuantity += parseFloat(orderItems[key].OrderItemQty); // } // // if (typeof ga !== 'undefined' && ga) { // ga('ec:setAction', 'purchase', { // 'id': orderInfo.OrderID, // 'affiliation': orderInfo.affiliation, // 'tax': orderInfo.OrderTotalTaxes, // 'revenue': orderInfo.OrderTotal, // 'shipping': orderInfo.OrderTotalShipping, // 'coupon': orderInfo.OrderCouponCode // }); // // ga('send', 'pageview', '/#quickorder'); // // if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'GA purchase'); // if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'GA pageview'); // } // var gtag_items = []; var index = 0; var currency = ''; var value = 0.00; for (i in orderItems) { gtag_items.push( { item_id: orderItems[i].ProductID, item_name: orderItems[i].OrderItemCustomerLanguageProductName, affiliation: pid, index: index, item_category:orderItems[i].OrderItemCustomerLanguageCategoryName , price: orderItems[i].OrderItemCustomerCurrencyPrice, quantity: orderItems[i].OrderItemQty, brand: orderItems[i].OrderItemBrandName }); index ++; value += orderItems[i].OrderItemCustomerCurrencyPrice*orderItems[i].OrderItemQty; } if (!(typeof gtag === 'undefined' || gtag === null)) { gtag('config', ga4, {'debug_mode': true}); gtag("event", "purchase", { transaction_id: orderInfo.OrderID, affiliation: pid, shipping: orderInfo.OrderTotalShipping, tax: orderInfo.OrderTotalTaxes, currency: orderInfo.OrderCustomerCurrencyCode, value: value.toFixed(2), items: gtag_items }); if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'GTAG purchase'); console.log(jset_prefix, gtag_items); console.log(jset_prefix, value.toFixed(2)); } var fb_total = product.promo * pQuantity; if (!(typeof fq === 'undefined' || fq === null)) { fq('track', 'Purchase', { value: fb_total, currency: product.currency, num_items: pQuantity, content_type: 'product', content_ids: product.id }); if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'FBE purchase'); } //$(document).ready(function() { /**/ dataLayer.push({ 'event':'order_complete', 'order_value':orderInfo.OrderTotal, 'order_id':orderInfo.OrderID, 'enhanced_conversion_data': { "email": orderInfo.OrderEmail, "phone": orderInfo.OrderPhone } }); if (!(typeof gtag === 'undefined' || gtag === null)) { gtag('config', gtag_id, { 'allow_enhanced_conversions': true }); gtag('set', 'user_data', { "email": orderInfo.OrderEmail }); gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': gtag_label, 'value': orderInfo.OrderTotal, 'currency': orderInfo.OrderCurrencyCode, 'transaction_id': orderInfo.OrderID }); if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'GTAG conversion'); } /**/ try { window.google_trackConversion({ google_conversion_id: google_conv_id, google_custom_params: { ecomm_prodid: product.id, ecomm_pagetype: 'purchase', ecomm_totalvalue : fb_total, dynx_itemid: product.id, dynx_pagetype: 'conversion', dynx_totalvalue: fb_total }, google_remarketing_only: true }); window.google_trackConversion({ google_conversion_id: google_conv_id_2, google_custom_params: { ecomm_prodid: product.id, ecomm_pagetype: 'purchase', ecomm_totalvalue : fb_total, dynx_itemid: product.id, dynx_pagetype: 'conversion', dynx_totalvalue: fb_total }, google_remarketing_only: true }); window.google_trackConversion({ google_conversion_id: google_conv_id_3, google_custom_params: { ecomm_prodid: product.id, ecomm_pagetype: 'purchase', ecomm_totalvalue : fb_total, dynx_itemid: product.id, dynx_pagetype: 'conversion', dynx_totalvalue: fb_total }, google_remarketing_only: true }); } catch(error) { console.log('tracking failed'); } //}); // if (!(typeof Releva === 'undefined' || Releva === null)) { Releva.push(relevaAccessToken, { "cart": { "products": [{ "id": product.id.toString(), "price": parseFloat(product.promo), "currency": product.currency, "quantity": pQuantity, }] }, "profile": { "firstName": orderInfo.OrderBillingFirstName, "lastName": orderInfo.OrderBillingLastName, "email": orderInfo.OrderEmail, //"phoneNumber": orderInfo.OrderPhone, } }, function (results) { }, function (error) { console.error(error); }, { hasConsent: function () { return CookieConsent.acceptedService('releva', 'functional'); } } ); if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'Releva Push'); } // /**/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /**/ console.log(orderInfo); /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ // TODO: For removal // /**/ if (typeof window.criteo_q !== 'undefined' && window.criteo_q) { criteoCart = []; criteoCartItem = {}; criteoCartItem = {id: product.id, price: customerCurrencyPrice, quantity: pQuantity}; criteoCart.push(criteoCartItem); if (criteoEmail == '') { criteoEmail = orderInfo.OrderCustomerEmail; } window.criteo_q.push( {event: "setAccount", account: criteoPartnerID}, {event: "setEmail", email: criteoEmail}, {event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType}, {event: "trackTransaction", currency: orderInfo.OrderCustomerCurrencyCode, id: orderInfo.OrderID, item: criteoCart}); if (jset_verbose) console.log(jset_prefix + 'Criteo Push'); console.log(criteoCart); } /* */ } -->
Ovaj proizvod je iz naše nove kolekcije i dostava može potrajati od 7 do 30 radnih dana.
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bodi - bluza ROSIANA BORDO

Kod: 005009-156-1
Težina: 0.300 kg
Cijena € 14.90
€ 27.17
45% Popust

Opcije proizvoda

  • Boja:
    Molimo odaberite
  • Veličina odjeće:
    Molimo odaberite
    Tablica veličina
Održavanje: mašinsko pranje 30°C
Sastav: poliester 100%
NAPOMENA: Boje proizvoda mogu se razlikovati ovisno o vrsti zaslona i postavkama vašeg uređaja.
- +

Dostupne veličine se predlažu sa brzom dostavom - dostava 3-5 radnih dana. Obratite pažnju da li veličina koju ste odabrali ima stiker BRZA.

DOSTAVA ZA HRVATSKU I SLOVENIJU: 4.90 eura + naknada za plaćanje pouzećem 1.50 eura. Više o dostavi pročitajte ovdje: Dostava.

Svaki kupljeni proizvod može nam se vratiti u roku od 14 dana od kupnje, osim kupaćih kostima, rublja (bikini, grudnjaci, bokserice, korzeti, top-bodi), nakita, spavaćica, čarapa, tajica, štitnika za cipele, parfeme i kozmetike. Za više informacija pročitajte ovdje: Povrat i zamjena: Povrat i zamjena.

Opis proizvoda
  • Jedinstven prijedlog za atraktivan izgled je ova bodi - bluza atraktivnog dizajna.
  • Izrađena od fine čipke koja ne iritira kožu.
  • Bodi je pripijenog kroja koji naglašava figuru.
  • Izgledat ćete elegantno! Preporučamo kombiniranje uz hlače ili suknju i sportsko-elegantne cipele.
  • Manekenka je visoka 170 cm i nosi veličinu S.
  • Kupite bodi - bluza ROSIANA BORDO or other a product from our Promo Selection to get free shipping.


Ovaj proizvod je iz NOVE kolekcije i isporuka može potrajati od 7 do 21 dana.

Ние не изискваме предплащане.
Може да направиш своята поръчка, сега. Тъй като знаем, че никой не обича да чака,
за търпеливите ни клиенти имаме подарък.

* Svoju omiljenu boju možete odabrati tako što ćete je opisati u bilješci uz narudžbu

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